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Here are some of my individual and collaborated projects.

PennyWise – Financial Literacy and Inclusion

Figma, Flutter, API, Dart

Prototype of a financial education app that has basic modules of lessons and some key features like Community Page, AI chatbot that can answer any doubts from the users and a current stock price page.


 Hotel Management

Java, Swing GUI, MySql, Xampp

A customer can select either of the services provided by the hotel i.e., Accommodation or Food.
Based on the customer’s choice he/she will be redirected to the next page where he/she can select desired food
items or book rooms. Admin can add/delete dishes or rooms to the database.


Sign Language Recognition

Python OpenCV, cvzone, numpy, mediapipe, TensorFlow, and Keras

A project aimed at bridging the communication gap for individuals with hearing impairments by providing a robust and efficient system for real-time sign language recognition. Leveraging the power of deep learning techniques, this project utilizes Python-based code to detect and interpret hand gestures representing various signs in sign language.

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